22 February 2009
The latest scientific knowledge on the vitiligo consider it as a dermatosis due to multiple factors and that it can have different aspects according to the triggering cause. In fact, this is not simply a disorder of pure cosmetic interest, but would result from little defects (probably genetic ones) that can cause thyroid unbalance and to other organs of autoimmune nature. In order to know the indicative evaluation of the effectiveness of the BIOSKIN EVOLUTION® therapy in your specific case, it is necessary to fill out the questionnaire following which you will have an answer by e-mail. Besides, in order to be able to understand if these problems subsist for the individual patient, it is necessary to carry out some blood tests to evaluate the possible involvement of the above mentioned organs. Once these examinations are carried out, we will have a global vision of the patient and would be able then to begin a specific and personalized therapy.
WHAT IS THE BIOSKIN EVOLUTION® THERAPY.In order to understand the BIOSKIN EVOLUTION® therapy it is necessary to have some basic knowledge in dermatology. The melanocytes are some cells located in the deeper layer of the epidermis (that it is not other than the most superficial thin veil of our skin and it has an average thickness of 0,4 mm) and that during the pathological process leading to the vitiligo are "inactivated" or "killed". The melanocytes being the cells, which contain (the main colour of the skin), their absence is revealed by the lack of colour in the affected zone: this is the vitiligo. Yet the epidermis is not the only zone of the skin provided with melanocytes. In fact, the colour of the hair and of the hairs is precisely due to the melanocytes being situated close to the hair bulb (in the zone known as perifollicular) placed much more in depth compared to the epidermis. These deep melanocytes are very rarely interested by the process that causes the vitiligo and, if opportunely stimulated, they can multiply themselves, climb back in the epidermis and give rise to new pigmentation, and therefore to the cure of the spots. This phenomenon, that sometimes is spontaneous or caused simply by the exposure to the sun, shows itself through the appearance of circular points of pigmentation in the zones made achromic (that is without colour) by the vitiligo. In the illustration 1 (a and b) it may be noticed how the skin of the hands of a subject before the therapy (a) and during (b) the treatment with BIOSKIN EVOLUTION® is giving rise to these "tokens" of pigmentation that will increase of diameter and they will unite themselves, to give finally to the skin its normal pigmentation.
The medical research and today's technologies have allowed to determine the wavelength (among all the ones of the solar spectrum) that stimulates more effectively the melanocytes to duplicate and to produce melanin (311 nm). BIOSKIN EVOLUTION® allows us to be able to convey this wavelength exclusively on the vitiligo spot and in depth towards the perifollicular melanocytes without causing the damages due to all the other solar radiation of which mainly infrared and ultraviolet rays A.
THE NEW THERAPY FOR THE CARE OF THE VITILIGO:BIOSKIN EVOLUTION® THE LATEST COLD-LIGHT GENERATION MICROPHOTOTHERAPYA new and sophisticated emitting equipment of the ultraviolet B rays to 311 [nm] can eliminate the cutaneous dyschromias caused by the vitiligo. It is about THE LATEST GENERATION MICROPHOTOTHERAPY BIOSKIN EVOLUTION® performed with an innovative equipment, which emits in a specific and selective way a bundle of ultraviolet light of type B able to stimulate the dormant melanocytes cells gradually, thus allowing to look after the disease in the least time possible and not to increase the contrast of colour between the healthy skin and the patched vitiligo.To obtain this result biomedical engineers supported by dermatologists researchers they have planned and built an electronic generator, protected by an international patent, with a very high percentage of UVB rays able to focus the light bundle exclusively on the vitiligo spots while using a particular optic fibre.The emitted UVB rays are the most effective ones in the therapy of the vitiligo because they stimulate in an optimal way the melanocytes and are active on the immune system of the skin. The bibliography in our web site lists the principal international scientific works documenting the effectiveness and lack of noteworthy negative side effects of the therapeutic UVB rays on the human skin for the dosages relating to the BIOSKIN EVOLUTION® therapy.Otherwise from all therapeutic approaches which use ultraviolet radiation on full cutaneous surfaces, the BIOSKIN EVOLUTION® therapy, because it only conveys microdoses of energy on the affected cutaneous zones, does not provoke the photo ageing of the skin. The BIOSKIN EVOLUTION® therapy is adapted to the requirements of every individual patient, as well with regards to some characteristics of emission of the ray as for the duration of each therapeutic treatment.
We are in any event able of providing a general model of the BIOSKIN EVOLUTION® therapy. Every session, carried out exclusively by a doctor, it consists of an irradiation of the UVB rays on the spots concerned only, excluding any healthy part.
The ray, conveyed by optical fibre is applied for a maximum duration time of 10 seconds on every square centimetre of the spot. Thanks to the use of a diaphragm placed on the terminal of the optical fibre and which is modified according to the characters of the interested area, the doctor can modify the diameter of the area to be treated for any particular case.
Different to the other therapies based on the use of the UVB, this one doesn't provoke any pain, burn or other discomfort, neither during the treatment nor in the following days.
The therapy must be repeated once per month, effecting altogether 1-3 sessions in the same day in accordance with the therapeutic protocol determined by the dermatologist for each individual patient. The therapy has never highlighted any negative side effects. The treatment has a variable general duration in accordance with the extension of the affected zones and the reaction of the subject. There are conditions of relatively constant reaction for each patient. The face, the groin, the armpits, the genitals, the neck, the breast and the thighs are the areas which repigment first, while the terminal zones close to the fingernails of the hands and the feet require in general, a superior lapse of time.
Usually after 8-10 sessions it is possible to have an idea of the recovery speed of each spot of vitiligo for each individual patient.
From: www.vitiligo.it
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